The land of Possibilities...
The perfect blend of natural beauty, luxury, and sustainability.
Enveloped in the comfort of a lush 40-acre plantation paradise situated in the backdrop of lake Mawal. This resort is perfectly located at an equidistance from the two cities Mumbai and Pune. It is the magic of the Kundan valley that brings our guests back to this incredible experience and get enchanted every time.
Where nature resides with you!
You're at a dwelling with your feet touching the grass, activating your senses with the
fresh smell of unpolluted air, and waking up by the birds' chirps! Sounds dreamy right?
Well, not with us! Kundan Valley Resort gives you this experience in its entirety
as we never compromise on delivering an exhilarating experience
that justifies the meaning of 'Kundan,' Pure.This charming in style, luxe in detail,
and donning a blanket of extensive greenery,this perfect getaway is accurately
located between the metropolitan cities, Mumbai and Pune.